Located in the heart of Southeast Durham, surrounded by a residential neighborhood. Perkins Orchard is uniquely EStABLISHED in the City of Durham North Carolina.
Photos by Donovan alexander Watson
Dr. J.E. PERKINS (pictured above) is the Founder & President of the Historical Apex School of Theology
Perkins Orchard was founded in 1970 by the Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Perkins. It started out as a simple roadside stand with Tomatoes & Cucumbers, before long Dr. Perkins was planting trees around the House in which Perkins Orchard Rest. Plum Trees, Apples, Pears, Cherry Trees, Pecan, Blueberry bushes, Peach trees, & Grape vines along with the annual garden. Dr. Perkins Grandson Donovan Alexander Watson took over daily operations at the age of 10! He steadily built up the business each and every season throughout middle and high school. Once he graduated from Jordan High School in 2012 he tore down the old fruit stand pictured above and moved it behind the house (pictured below).
Donovan Alexander Watson (The Logo!) at the age of 15, he is now 27 as of 2021.
As time past connections were made with farmers across the state of North Carolina & to this day we rely mostly on these connections that deliver such produce. Our company is based on the Belief & Trust of the honor system. There used to be a Drop Box through the door in which customers could drop there money or change after they have completed there purchase. With the vast changing effect technology has had on merchants, Perkins Orchard began accepting Credit & Debit Cards in 2011 & in 2013 expanded further back onto our property.
Perkins' is beneath 60 feet of shaded trees which provides a beautiful atmosphere when surrounded by Fresh Fruits & Vegetables throughout the growing season. Our entire team is committed to providing a wonderful outdoor atmosphere, As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals.
1 mile off of Highway 54/I-40
Just off East Woodcroft Pkwy!
(919) 491-9559
5749 Barbee Road
Durham,NC 27713
M-Th 9a–8p
F-Sa 9a–8p
Su 9a–8p